Daughter of Light and Shadows by Anna McKerrow

cover of daughter of light and shadows

Daughter of Light and Shadows is a paranormal/romance involving faeries and witches. It’s set in a small Scottish coastal village.

I picked up Daughter of Light and Shadows because I had a copy of the sequel and wanted to be familiar with the series. I was pleasantly surprised by this book. In particular, Faye, Annie and Aisha as the friend trio were great, and I became quite attached to them throughout.

Setting the story on the Scottish coast was a real winner. I definitely got that mysterious, otherworldly feeling that I associate with Celtic mythology as I was reading the descriptions of locations in the book. I loved the scenes set on the ocean and near the sand; these descriptions were my favourite aspects of the book.

By about a quarter of the way through there was a darkness brooding in the storyline. I found this somewhat intriguing, and was overall a good take on faeries and the faerie realm. The faeries in this book are not kind or sweet, and seeing Faye trying to work that out were some of my favourite parts of the book.

I look forward to reading the sequel Queen of Sea and Stars and seeing where this series goes.

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