Who is Chantel Speaks?

This blog written by me, Chantel Bongiovanni. I started this blog as a hobby to give me a place to share and collect my thoughts. Over time, I’ll be blogging about a lot of topics, but there will be a focus on books, reading and writing, as well as some social justice issues as they arise.

You might know me from a few places. I’m a writer and have contributed to a couple anthologies about disability. I’m a Powerchair athlete and play Powerchair Hockey and Powerchair Football – I have played club, national and international level at various times. You may also know of me through my academic work in Applied Linguistics. I am a person with disability, so a number of posts may be related to my passion for disabled life and visibility. Wherever possible I will write and read about disability issues and life with disability.


Book Reviews & Review Policy

Currently taking requests for book reviews.


I’ve been a reader for as long as I can remember, and I never go anywhere without a book with me. I love using this blog to write reviews for whatever I’ve been reading lately.


On this blog, you’ll find a variety of book reviews, but also some favourite genres. I read a lot of Fantasy and YA for the most part. I also love history and mythology so I’m a guaranteed sucker for a good Historical Fiction or something that uses a bit of folklore in the writing.


I like good, strong writing and characters I can grow to admire. I’m not as fussed by the popularity of the book, I care more about the story itself. For this reason, I read a combination of traditionally published, indie and self-published authors. I like to support good books by lesser known authors where I can.


I review books from lots of places; I buy them or borrow them from the library or friends. I review books from Netgalley and BookSirens, and take requests directly from authors. If you would like me to review something you’ve written, please get in touch using the Contact Form below.


I will reserve the right to choose take on the request depending on the book/my time constraints. If I start reading and I don’t like something about it, I likely will not review it. If this is the case, I’ll get in touch with the author to let them know. I accept ARCs in epub format only.

Contact Me