Queen of Sea and Stars by Anna McKerrow

Cover of Queen of Sea and Stars by Anna McKerrow

Queen of Sea and Stars is a sequel to Daughter of Light and Shadows. Though I have read some reviews that indicated you can read these books separately, I would read them as a series. Reading them together means you can better understand the Faerie realm and Faye’s world. I did it this way, and feel like if I’d read them separately I’d have missed some important plot points.

I had mixed feelings about this one, there were some things I really liked, and some things I found more difficult.

I love the lore in this series. Faeries can sometimes be depicted as loving and beautiful beings. The Faeries in this series are flawed. They are at times vicious and malignant, and often after their own goals without a care for others. I’m still trying to decide if the Faerie King, Finn Beatha is a good guy or a bad guy. I seem to see so many conflicting sides to him. I’m unsure what’s right – I like this conflict though. Reading into his decisions and motivations and not being sure about what his endgame is drove the book.

“Another plea. You humans are full of wants, and yet when your pleas are answered, you do not like the solutions.”

The thing I found hardest was that there were events in the plot that could be quite unreasonable for someone to do in the particular situations they were in. Without giving away spoilers, there were certain decisions Faye made that I felt were more about driving the plot rather than staying true to Faye as a character. This is my main issue with the novel as a whole. It felt forced, not a natural sequence of events.

On the whole, I enjoyed getting to know the characters in this series. I will keep my eye out for any new additions to this world.

Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review.

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