Devil’s Road by Gary Gibson

Devil’s Road is a Sci-Fi car race with alien monsters, assassins and guns, deception against the backdrop of a post-apocalyptic city with more secrets than meets the eye.

Dutch McGuire is doing time behind bars when she’s busted out of jail by a billionaire. He promises freedom in exchange for one thing: Dutch compete in the Devil’s Run, a car race that takes place on the post-apocalyptic island, Teijouan, where monsters known as Kaiju prowl the devastated city ruins. Of course, Dutch accepts. She’s competed in the Devil’s Run more times than anyone, but has yet to win.

Right off the bat, Devil’s Road is fast-paced and the plot is punch-y. I liked the immediate way the reader is thrown into Dutch’s chaotic world of assassins and enemies. Dutch needs to quickly adjust to the situation at hand, all while never being sure who is friend or foe.

The Devil’s Run is deadly, not just because of the threat of alien monsters, but because of the other competitors in the race itself. Dutch is smart, and she knows this world well. She knows how navigate her way around danger and lies.

This is packed with action, fast cars and deadly monsters. I have to admit, Devil’s Road is not the exact brand of Sci-Fi I would normally read. I like Sci-Fi but not with such strong Action elements. It read a little like a short movie script to me at times. But, I was surprised at how easily I was able to pick up and read it. I would’ve liked to know more about Dutch’s past and understand more of her motivations as a character. However, being a novella I guess there was only so much time for this.

Overall, this is an enjoyable novella especially for someone who’s more into that high octane action-packed style of storytelling.

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