December Update | Wrap-Up & 2021 Goals

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I’ve been deliberating about what to write in my final post of this year (see my other posts this year from April and from June).

I mean, 2020 has been a bit of a stinker, right?

What do you say about a year that has been unlike any other for all the wrong reasons?

If anything, I’m just happy to see the back of it. But despite the difficulty of this year, some really great things have happened for me personally. One of which is seeing my first two chapter contributions come to fruition in paperback. The first, The Eighteen Point Five where I have a chapter called A NEWS-worthy Knock-On that came out in September. While I have another in Growing Up Disabled in Australia (forthcoming February 2021) where I’ve just received the ARC to admire and swoon over. I’m proud that I’ve pushed myself to publish and I look forward to continuing my writing journey.

This year had me questioning a lot of things I always believed, and maybe that’s what happens during a pandemic.

I’ve been looking over my life at the good and not-so-good things along the way and realising that I’ve actually grown quite a lot. It’s taken until this year for me to see that I’m pretty happy right now. Some of that is because I’ve accepted the things I can’t change and I’ve come to a pretty strong understanding now of who I am and the kind of person I want to be.

Maybe I’m just growing up. I turned 30 this year and I’ve been living more for me and less for others. The version of me from my twenties was very hung up on pleasing others and doing things that I thought others would like me to do. It’s not to say that I don’t care, I’m just more reserved with where I give my energy now. Gradually, I’ve come to a realisation that I’ve only got one life to live and I’m not really here to be meeting everyone else’s needs before my own.

2021 Goals

But onto the New Year that is fast approaching. My goals next year are pretty much what I’m already working toward:

  1. Continue writing
  2. Keep blogging
  3. Finish that PhD thesis

In terms of my smaller goals for next year, I’m setting myself a challenge. I have a huge TBR list right now, its books in paperback, via Kobo, Kindle and my local library. I never really meant for my list to get out of control, but like all book lovers, the TBR has a mind of its own and I can’t control it (that’s what I tell myself). My goal is to get this list down because there’s a lot of books I want to read and re-home. So I’m setting myself a two-fold reading challenge. 

  1. Read 50 books in 2021
  2. No book buying or borrowing till September 1 2021

This will be a test of my self-control. Balancing the reader and the book lover. If you know me, you’d know I often pick up a latest release and shelve it for “when I need it”.

Oh, the “bad” habits of every book lover I know!

I am also one of those that wants to collect and finish a series, and that’s exactly what’s gotten me into this mess haha. Challenging myself in this way will be a good opportunity for me to enjoy what I have rather than chase the latest pretty cover (which I’m very prone to do!).

In winding up on my last post of this year, I just wanted to take a moment to say thanks to everyone who has been following my blog.  I really appreciate the encouragement and kindness. To all my readers, have a safe and happy holidays! I look forward to catching you all next year!

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